Mikhail Britt, Shumate Mechanical.
Our company was owed a substantial amount of money from a property owner who chose not to fully pay the subcontractors that built his project. I believe our company was one of the few that were paid anything near what they were owed, and I attribute that success entirely to Don.
Practice Description
At Andersen, Tate & Carr, we are committed to protecting the elderly in Atlanta from experiencing nursing home abuse and neglect. As the Baby Boomer generation ages into their retirement years, the population of nursing home residents is expected to double or triple by 2030. If you or your parents are contemplating a move into a nursing home, there should not be any fear that abuse or suffering caused by the staff will occur.
All too often, nursing homes and skilled nursing facilities try to keep their expenses low and their profits high. To do this, they understaff their facilities and fail to adequately train and equip their nurses and certified nurse assistants. Unfortunately, this pattern of chronic understaffing, under-equipping and under-training frequently results in serious injuries and the untimely death of the elderly residents.
How Nursing Home Abuse Occurs in Atlanta
Experience reveals that elderly patients are more vulnerable to serious injury. When an elderly patient fractures their leg or hip, this injury often begins a domino effect that results in death within 6 to 8 weeks. Falls and transfer-drops are common ways that serious injuries can occur. In order to prevent injury, homes must adopt appropriate fall-precaution protocols. More importantly, nursing homes must observe these protocols and adequately train and equip their clinical staff.
Many residents have lost the capacity to bear their own weight and must be transferred (e.g., from bed to wheelchair and back again) through the use of mechanical lifts such as the Uno or Hoyer lifts. If these lifts are not used properly, they can seriously injure residents. The proper sling must be utilized and applied, and, in most situations, the transfer must be performed by two properly trained staff. A mishap during a transfer can easily lead to injury and, eventually, the untimely death of the patient.
Skin care is another vitally important area of concern. If immobile residents are not properly repositioned by nursing home staff at frequent intervals, pressure sores can spiral out of control and result in amputations and life-threatening infections.
What To Do in Nursing Home Abuse Cases
To successfully hold the nursing home responsible for its carelessness, the resident and their family will need a sophisticated, experienced and highly motivated attorney. Nursing homes are well aware of their exposure to financial liability. Consequently, they retain sophisticated law firms to assist them in avoiding this responsibility by hiding their assets inside of convoluted corporate structures and avoiding jury trials through arbitration provisions.
The nursing home industry is highly regulated. If your family’s attorney is familiar with these regulations, they can be used as avenues to expose nursing home violations and unveil the corporate shell game.
The rights of the injured resident should be pursued to compensate the victim, punish those who inflict careless injuries and protect the elderly residents of the future. Holding Atlanta nursing homes accountable for depriving elderly patients of their last few precious years is an important safety objective, and our firm is proud to pursue it.
Contact Our Team of Experienced Atlanta Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys Today
At Andersen, Tate & Carr, we have extensive experience in nursing home abuse cases and have had successful results exposing corporate shell games, defeating arbitration provisions and motivating jurors to fairly compensate victims. If someone in your family has been abused or neglected while in a nursing home in Atlanta, we would be honored to assist you or your loved one in evaluating a potential claim. Call us today at 770-237-9860 for a free, no-obligation consultation to learn how we can help you and your family.

Ross K.
The first lawyer I met with said my case was worth $3,000 – $6,000. I met with Tyler next, and he eventually recovered $100,000 for my case. Tyler did an outstanding job.
Melinda C.
Tyler represented me after I was injured in a car wreck. Although there wasn’t much damage to my vehicle, my shoulder was hurt and required surgery. I was happy that Tyler recovered a six-figure sum for me.