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Wage And Hour Claims

Practice Description

If you are an employer of hourly wage workers in Atlanta, it is important for you to know all of the laws regarding hourly wages. If you do not have the proper knowledge of the intricacies of hourly wage laws, you might be subjecting yourself to a hourly wage claim lawsuit. If you have unknowingly or knowingly been paying your workers less than they deserve, it is in your best interest to get in touch with an experienced hourly wage claim attorney as soon as possible.

At Andersen, Tate & Carr, our team of knowledgeable hourly wage claim attorneys have years of experience helping countless clients handle their wage disputes. We will review the details of your case and figure out the best possible outcome for you and your company. We will work tirelessly to keep your rights protected during any legal proceedings and to avoid having your company’s reputation tarnished.

When Minimum Wage Must Be Paid

Most hourly wage claims occur when an employee feels they are not being fairly compensated by their employer for the amount of labor they are doing. Although Georgia’s minimum wage is $5.15, the federal minimum wage is $7.25. For most companies, the federal minimum wage is the lowest you can pay an employee in Atlanta for one hour’s worth of work. According to Georgia Code § 34-4-3, this minimum wage law must be enforced for any of the following types of employers:

  • Any employer that makes more than $40,000 in sales per year
  • Any employer with 6 or more employees
  • Any employer that is not a farm owner, land renter or sharecropper
  • Any employer of non-students

There are companies and employers that can have exceptions to the minimum wage law, including newspaper carriers and child-care companies that give their employees lodging, i.e. summer camps.

Contact Our Team of Experienced Hourly Wage Claim Attorneys Today

At Andersen, Tate & Carr, our team of knowledgeable and skilled team of hourly wage claim attorneys can help you and your company avoid the costly repercussions of an hourly wage dispute. These cases are often widely publicized by the media, and you could risk losing some of your business if your reputation plummets. You could also face costly compensation fees and other penalties from the court for breaking the hourly wage laws. Our employment law attorneys have helped numerous clients avoid these devastating consequences associated with hourly wage claims.

On the other hand, if you are an employee who feels that they are being unfairly compensated for their labor, we would be happy to represent you in an hourly wage claim. Our dedicated team of attorneys have handled countless cases defending Atlanta clients on both sides of hourly wage cases. We will give you the personal attention you deserve and will use our years of expertise to get you the compensation you deserve. If you are an employer or employee with an hourly wage dispute in Atlanta, contact our firm today for a free, no-obligation consultation to learn how we can help you.

Professional Team

Elizabeth Clack-Freeman
Senior Counsel

For questions or more information, Contact an Experienced Georgia Attorney.

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