Georgia Criminal Defense Attorney Services
Located in DeKalb County and along the fringes of Atlanta, Dunwoody has a population of 48,884 and is comprised of 9 neighborhoods. Since it is located in near suburban Atlanta, it receives a lot of traffic as many residents commute to the city for work. In fact, 92.4% of the people in Dunwoody are employed in white-collar jobs in Atlanta.
The city is also ethnically and culturally diverse, with residents coming from other parts of the globe, such as Germany, Ireland, Italy, and Asia. With its quaint town setting, the city has a low crime index of 1.7%, which is low compared to the national median of 4%. Although the city of Dunwoody is generally peaceful place, there is still a likelihood that one might get involved in crimes.
Being accused of a crime can be very scary, but it is easier to get through the ordeal if you hire a good criminal defense lawyer in Dunwoody. Contact Andersen, Tate & Carr today so that we can help you address your legal problems and design ways on how you can achieve a more favorable outcome with your case.
Dunwoody Overview of Crimes
Dunwoody has a low rate of violent crimes at 1.7%, but this does not mean that the city is free of any crime. Recent police report shows that the city has a high property crime of 42.9%; thus, it has a National Crime Index rating of 8th, where 100th is the safest.
Crimes on properties that are rampant in Dunwoody include vandalism, theft, and burglary. Thus, there is a high likelihood of you getting involved in property crimes in this area. Although the police data shows that the property crime is high, violent crimes are kept at a minimum. Most violent crimes reported in Dunwoody is assault, with an average of 29 successful arrests monthly. Other violent crimes include rape and robbery.
The city has a high crime rate in general, and the major contributing factor are property crimes. There is a high police force visibility in the city, which helps in lowering crime. But, if you ever find yourself face to face with the law, seek the help of a professional criminal defense attorney in Dunwoody right away.
Seek Help from A Criminal Defense Attorney in Dunwoody
Being accused of a crime is downright scary, especially if you are apprehended by the police. Before you make a confession, it is important that you exercise your silence and consult with a criminal defense lawyer. If you are facing criminal charges in Dunwoody, contact us today
What Sets us Apart from Competition
We, at Andersen, Tate & Carr are a team of Dunwoody criminal defense attorneys who can provide you with the sophisticated legal services that you need, including criminal defense. With over 20 years of experience, our team of seasoned criminal defense attorneys can comprehensively address the legal access of the case to achieve favorable outcomes.
Should you need immediate help, call us at 770-822-0900 or contact us online so that we can provide you with a free consultation.