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Driving Offense DUI

Practice Description

If you have been arrested and charged with DUI, you should be concerned about keeping your driver’s license and staying out of jail. You may even be worried about keeping your job if your employer finds out that you have been charged with a DUI. If you do lose your job, you will most likely have a very difficult time finding another one with a DUI on your record.

In Atlanta, being arrested for DUI is a serious matter that requires an experienced DUI attorney.  The criminal defense attorneys at Andersen, Tate & Carr have the vast knowledge and extensive expertise needed to navigate and successfully defend you against these charges.

We will work to protect your rights, and we will also work hard to minimize your charges and penalties. We have successfully defended countless vehicular homicide, DUI, reckless driving and other serious driving offense cases.

Our Atlanta DUI Defense Process

We start by helping you understand your rights and the challenges associated with a DUI charge. For example, there is the civil counterpart to the criminal DUI charge that takes place before the Administrative License Suspension Board. This civil component requires a “10 day letter” to be sent to preserve your right to drive while the criminal DUI charge is pending.

In addition, we can explain the different types of DUI charges and the varying penalties. Your sentence will depend upon whether you were charged with DUI less safe, driving with a BAC above 0.08%, charged as a commercial driver or driving with a BAC above 0.02% under 21 years of age.

Often, our clients assume that because they failed a field sobriety test or because they tested over the limit on a breathalyzer test, they are going to be convicted of DUI. This is not always the case.

Steps We Use to Get Atlanta DUI Cases Dismissed

Even if you failed a field sobriety test or if you failed a breathalyzer test, there are many other defenses available to combat the charges against you and weaken the prosecution’s case. While each case is unique, we will analyze the legal validity of the stop, the admissibility of the field sobriety tests, the arrest itself and the admissibility of the breathalyzer test or refusal.

Often, a case can turn towards our clients’ favor due to the unintentional, yet improper, actions of the police officer, the improper working condition of a chemical breath test machine, the chain of custody, or the improper working procedures used to draw urine or blood.

Our skilled DUI attorneys will make every effort to get the charges against you dismissed or reduced. Hiring the right expert is a key aspect of successfully defending DUI cases, and we have great working relationships with the best experts in Atlanta.

We Offer Our Services For Other Atlanta Driving Offenses

At Andersen, Tate & Carr, our criminal defense attorneys do not solely focus on DUI cases. We handle a broad range of driving offense cases, and we would be glad to help you get the legal representation you deserve for your unique case. There are plenty of traffic violations that are considered criminal offenses under Georgia law.

If you receive a traffic violation in Atlanta that qualifies as a criminal offense, it will appear on your criminal record. You may also pay a fine, attend court, do community service, lose your driving privileges or even spend time in jail.

Traffic violations that are considered criminal driving offenses include:

  • Speeding
  • Failure to maintain a lane
  • Following too closely
  • Insurance violations, such as driving without a license
  • Driving with a suspended license
  • Hit and run, serious injury by vehicle or vehicular homicide
  • Leaving the scene of an accident
  • Drag racing
  • Habitual violator
  • Aggressive or reckless driving
  • Failure to observe traffic signal

Contact Our Team of Experienced Atlanta DUI and Other Driving Offenses Attorneys Today

Our experienced DUI and driving offense attorneys can help you avoid jail time or prevent your license from being suspended or revoked due to traffic violations. In addition, we can assist you in avoiding points on your driving record and reducing fines. We will engage in a vigorous defense that often results in a case being dismissed or reduced.

The attorneys at Andersen, Tate & Carr are experienced and knowledgeable, and several have attained their DUI Detection & Standardized Field Sobriety Testing Certification. This allows our team to best represent their clients in DUI cases and understand the experiences of their clients.

For more information, contact our team today for a free, confidential consultation.

Professional Team

Ethel D. Andersen
Ethel D. Andersen
Retired Partner
Erin T. Burnett
Erin T. Burnett
Of Counsel
R. Bradley Carr
Elizabeth Clack-Freeman
Senior Counsel
T. Scott Duncan
Justin Edge
S. Lanier Flanders
Kathleen B. Guy
Michael J. Hay
Hayley Rymer
Donald L. Swift III
Managing Partner
Thomas T. Tate
Rory Weeks
Senior Counsel

For questions or more information, Contact an Experienced Georgia Attorney.

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