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Contract Disputes

Practice Description

If you work in the business world, you have most likely experienced some sort of contract dispute at some point in your career. You may be involved in one right now. If that’s the case and your business is located in Atlanta, you should get in touch with an experienced contract dispute attorney as soon as possible. Proper representation during your dispute could save you valuable time and money.

At Andersen, Tate & Carr, our knowledgeable and skilled contract dispute attorneys have many years of experience handling all types of contract dispute cases for companies of every size. We will be able to review various documents and other evidence with proper scrutiny to determine what contract breaches have occurred. We will make sure your assets and rights are protected during your case’s legal process.

Definition of Various Types of Atlanta Contract Disputes

Contract disputes in Atlanta usually involve one of these two types of contract breaches. The first type of contract breach is known as a material breach. A material breach in contract occurs when one party in a business deal doesn’t perform a duty that was required, according to the language in an agreed upon contract.

The duty that is not done is usually a such a vital part of the contract that the whole agreement between two businesses becomes void. In a material breach contract dispute case, the company that breached the contract can get sued by the other company involved.

The second type of contract breach is known as a minor breach. Minor breaches in contract occur when one party in a business deal doesn’t perform a minor duty that was required, according to the language in an agreed upon contract. However, this breach is so minor that the vital part of the contract can still be carried out.

Even though the businesses involved in the contract dispute must still fulfill the contract’s stipulations, the company that performed the minor breach could still be sued.

How We Can Help in Atlanta Contract Dispute Cases

At Andersen, Tate & Carr, our primary goal in contract dispute cases is to create a resolution for our clients through negotiation or mediation. Of course, when litigation is the only option in your case, our civil litigation attorneys are fully prepared to represent you in court and have had plenty of success in our previous clients’ trials.

Our contract dispute attorneys have vast experience and industry-specific knowledge that will protect your interests.

Contact Our Team of Experienced Atlanta Contract Dispute Attorneys Today

Andersen, Tate & Carr is an Atlanta law firm dedicated to providing aggressive and affordable contract dispute services that meet the needs and exceed the expectations of our clients. Whether the dispute is simple or complex, our skilled contract dispute attorneys have the expertise necessary to help businesses navigate the varied and complex issues.

When it comes to contract disputes in Atlanta, the services of a civil litigation attorney provide a valuable benefit that can save businesses and entrepreneurs a great deal of time and money. Contact us today for a free, no-obligation consultation to learn how we can help you and your business.

Professional Team

Elizabeth Clack-Freeman
Senior Counsel

For questions or more information, Contact an Experienced Georgia Attorney.

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