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How Long Does It Take to Get Divorced in Georgia?

How Long Does It Take to Get Divorced in Georgia?

Rushing into a marriage may be quick but getting out of it takes a lot longer. Getting the divorce over with quickly should not be a driving force in decision-making throughout the process. Waiting Period for Uncontested Divorces At a minimum, it takes 31 days to get a divorce in Georgia. This is because Georgia has a waiting period for finalizing a divorce. Even if you and your spouse agree on all issues and you jointly file for an uncontested divorce, you must still wait 31 days before filing a motion to ask the court to issue a Final Order and Decree of Divorce. Court Processes and Procedures Even if you follow the shortest possible timeline for getting divorced, the process will likely take longer than 31 days. The reason? Courts are busy. It’s likely the judge assigned to your case will not be able to review the motion immediately. Most uncontested divorces take typically a minimum of between 31 – 60 days. If the judge schedules a hearing, that can extend the period as well. Negotiating Terms of Divorce In a perfect world, you and your spouse will quickly come to terms on all of the issues involved in the divorce. Competing interests, differences of opinion and small things like scheduling conflicts can delay the process as well. It is not uncommon for spouses to take a few months or more to finalize the terms of the divorce. This is where the importance of not rushing the process comes into play. A rushed decision could leave you let in the lurch over something you want.  Divorce Litigation If you and your spouse are unable to come to terms and your divorce ends up in litigation, the process could easily take a year or longer. Litigating is rarely in the best interests of either spouse but, when it is the only option available, both spouses should be prepared for a lengthy period of discord. If you believe divorce is the best option, the experienced team at Andersen, Tate and Carr can help.  At Andersen, Tate & Carr, our attorneys are dedicated to reaching the best possible outcome for our clients. Trinity Hundredmark heads our Domestic Relations Division. She is an experienced attorney with more than a decade of experience representing clients.  For more information, or to request a case evaluation, contact our law office at 1-770-467-3205.


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