4 Things You Need to Do Immediately After a DUI Arrest
A DUI arrest is often a scary and stressful time for the person charged. You likely have many questions and several thoughts racing through your mind. We often find that our clients wonder what to do next, if they will lose their license or automobile insurance, and whom they should call for advice. Preparation is essential to make the right decisions in your case. Here five things you should do immediately after being accused of a DUI:
Record Everything
Start by writing down everything you remember from your DUI stop before you forget. Even if the details seem insignificant, they may be the evidence your attorney needs to fight for you in court. Helpful information for your attorney includes when and where the stop occurred, the reason the office provided for stopping you, and if the officer administered field sobriety and Breathalyzer tests. In addition, include in your notes a description of what the Breathalyzer device looked like and information you told the officer about anything you had to eat or drink before the stop.
Monitor online profiles
Unfortunately, the phrase “anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law” also applies to what you post on social media. It’s best to refrain from posting any incriminating photos of yourself online. Even if you didn't post one yourself, others may have, so you should disable photo-tagging features on your social media channels. Monitor all social media accounts for any postings or images that show you in the time leading up to the arrest.
Find Character Witnesses
Witnesses play a vital role in strengthening your defense. Ask family, friends, and neighbors who saw before or after your DUI stop if they are willing to testify on your behalf in court. People have short memories. An experienced criminal defense attorney will request statements from your witnesses. Lastly, a non-intoxicated alibi witness may have the power to convince the jury you are not guilty.
Remain Calm
It’s natural for clients to worry about the consequences and outcome of a DUI case. Hiring an experienced criminal defense attorney can reduce your anxiety and stress level, and can take much of the stress and burden off your shoulders. Focus on remaining calm and allow your attorney to handle the details. Communicate regularly with your attorney to ask questions or address concerning issues. Make sure to maintain good communication with your attorney and ask about anything that might concern you. If you are facing a DUI in Georgia, we can help. At Andersen, Tate & Carr, our attorneys are dedicated to reaching the best possible outcome for our clients. Our criminal defense attorneys, Patrick McDonough and Trinity Hundredmark, have combined experience of more than 30 years representing clients facing criminal charges in Georgia. For more information, or to request a case evaluation, contact our law office at 1-770-822-0900.